A few days ago, I got back from Scotland. I had a brilliant time up there. I was only there for four days but I still saw plenty of wildlife. The weather was good most of the time so it allowed me to get out.
Because of the good weather, there were beautiful scenes across the firths. We stopped at the cromarty firth. While there, I managed to spot a variety of birds, primarily waders and wildfowl but you could also see dolphins breaching in the distance. Because the dolphins were so far away, I didn't manage to get a shot of them but I did take a lot of landscape photos (which I don't normally do) including the one below.
The next day, a sea mist settled in so, while it wasn't bad weather, it wasn't particularly good weather either. The sea was very stormy that day so there weren't many birds near the shore. There was however, a few snow buntings and a flock of sanderling and ringed plover. The shot below shows the flock flying over the waves that day.
I also photographed this wagtail at the beach.
I didn't do any photography the next day but the day after, I went to the Tollie red kite feeding station near Dingwall. There was lots of activity with plenty of kites, buzzards and ravens coming in to feed on the food put out. This is a selection of my favourite images.
I didn't do anymore photography beyond then as the weather started to get bad. I hope you've enjoyed the post and the accompanying photographs. Have a great half term everyone.
All images © Samuel Aron